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game plan

I posted this on my front door today. Romans 13:1Joshua dribbled the soccer ball toward mid-field, but his lackadaisical gait grabbed my attention. And like any good soccer-mom, I yelled out to him from my lawn chair: “Joshua! Hustle!” 

Only problem with this scenario: the ball wasn’t live. The other team had just scored. Joshua dribbled the ball to mid-field for the kick-off (is that the correct term?). Matt swiftly brought me up to date. I dug a small hole on the sideline and spent the rest of the game in it. Well, I wish I could have. 

I know very little about soccer as demonstrated in the story above, a story that will live in the annals of McMurray history for eternity. My ignorance, unfortunately, did not stop me from commenting. I learned from that experience to keep a lid on my mouth until I could comment with a little education. I’m still learning about soccer. The lid goes on and off according to my self-control. 

On this election day, Matt and I began our day in prayer before we got out of bed. We serve a Sovereign God. He will choose our president today. In fact, He’s chosen him. I pondered what it will be like at the end of the day today. How will I behave in front of my children? Will I communicate to them that I trust God? 

Ultimately, it boils down to this. 

I voted. I chose a candidate that I think can run this country better than the other guy. But there is a lot I don’t know. I serve a God who has the bigger picture. A plan. He is working a game-plan. For all I know, the ball is dead and I am yelling and making a fool of myself because I don’t understand the plan. 

But I know the Coach. I know the one who appoints the rulers. He stations them and orchestrates the events of the day. 

To be sure, I will have strong emotions today. My fear can take me down a slippery slope to ill behavior. Or my trust can keep me nestled against my Father’s chest. 

Today may we trust in God’s leadership. Lord have mercy on us.

Reader Comments (2)

Lord do have mercy on us. I have had a monologue going all day straight up!!! Mama Joy

Great post. Great illustration. The sign in the door contains a truth so many forget when our political desires and heartfelt prayers don't end up being answered as we would wish. In fact, I've been having to remind myself (not in relation to the election) how we as Christians (who say we trust an loving, all-wise, future-knowing, all-powerful and sovereign God) need to learn to rejoice when God says 'no' to our most earnest prayers.
For if we believe He is as His Word tells us He is, and He says no to our request, its because what we're asking for doesn't fit with His plan (and therefore we wouldn't want that anyway, right?) or He knows it wouldn't be good for us (and we wouldn't want that either, right?) or He has something better for us in mind (and we should want that, right?!). So, regardless of why our God chooses to say "no," we should rejoice, for our Father in heaven knows best.

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